Change Log

I keep forgetting to change this page with updates so please excuse me !! (Zoë)


29th January 12
I've added more parsing of nonstandard m$ Received header fields. The POD now includes a HISTORY section. The --abusenet option will extract contacts from for domains; they don't offer contacts for IP
blocks. I now put some boilerplate at the begining of the lookupinfo file.

Please try unobfuscate --man

29th December 11
The major change is that if a host has a CNAME then I do a whois for it. I've also updated unobfuscate.txt to mention chmod for *ix users.

30th September 10
This update recognize internal routing at Yahoo, where they insert Received: header lines that have an address literal without TCP-info as From information, which does not match the syntax for Stamp in RFC5321.

6th August 10
The only things new are a change to recognize a scheme of rwhois in a referal and a configuration file update for the ME TLD. I forgot to note that this version of bwWhois uses a Perl 5.10 feature.

5th August 10
This version clears up some issues with URL parsing, e.g., for domains names begining with digits. It also lets BwWhois recognize port numbers in referrals from ARIN.

28th April 10
This version uses named captures in its own URI parse, rather than using Regexp::Common::URI and numbered captures. I'm trying to make some unifying changes to the code, but have run into a behavior in Perl 5.10 that I don't understand.

The code below seems to set only the %- hash, yet I get both the %+ and %- hashes set a few lines down using the same $RecByPat regex. Please let me know if you see anything that could explain it.

   if ($debug) {
     msg("\n\@Received has ",scalar(@Received)," lines\n");
     foreach (@Received) {
       my $thisStamp = $_;
 #     $thisStamp =~ s/\x0A/\n\t  <LF>\n/;
 #     $thisStamp =~ s/\x0D/\n\t  <CR>\n/;
 #     if (/^$RecFromPat $RecByPat/xi) {
       if (/($RecByPat)/xi) {
           print STDERR "\nReceived matched '$1':\n";
           foreach (sort keys %+) {
             print STDERR "\$+{$_}=$+{$_}\n";
           print STDERR "\n";

As always, I've expanded and updated the conf files for bwwhois.

26th November 08
It will probably be the last version to work with Perl 5.8; I plan to take advantage of named captures in the next

21st August 08
New version - no new notes from Shmuel though.

25th December 06
The modified version of bwwhois is nor based on 5 rather than on 3.4, and includes looking in tld.conf for the whois server of an IP address.

13th September 06
Corrects for a case error in handling a hexadecimal host address and accomodates yet another APNIC change in referrals to KRNIC.

12th July 06
This update adds support for NNTP-POSTING-HOST and corrects an error handling a URL with a decimal host address.

25th June 06
The major change is that the output of lookup now identifies HELO domains that have no DNS or that don't resolve to the source IP.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
Atid/2 <>
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)
